Each year we see a number of members – both Junior and Adult - train as instructors and return to Moppy Camps to pass on their enthusiasm for sailing. They mainly aim for one of the following two qualifications:

  • Assistant Instructor – specific to one RYA training centre (in this case it would be the Salterns) and allows you to assist at Moppy Camps (or other RYA training activity) working under the direct supervision of a Senior Instructor)
  • Dinghy Instructor – over 16s can help instruct small groups. This qualification can be used at the Salterns and at other training centres.

Please let us know if you would like to train as an instructor to help at the Salterns.

Assistant Instructor Training

The club is planning to run Assistant Instructor training for both younger members and parents on 23rd & 24th April 2022.  This is a really good way to continue developing skills once all the Pennants have been completed or, for parents, of keeping ahead of their children (for a while at least).

We would encourage all those with appropriate experience, who would like to help with training at the Salterns, to consider taking an AI course.

The training and assessment would be conducted by one of the Club’s Senior Instructors or the Chief Instructor.

The Assistant Instructor training is based on a 20 hour course, covering basic teaching principles and centre procedures, most of which will be provided during the training sessions. Some of these hours might be completed during the early hours preparations for a Moppy Camp or similar sessions. Candidates will be awarded their certificates following completion of the briefings and preparation prior to one of the 2022 Moppy Camps.


Subject to approval by the Club’s RYA Principal, and availability of spaces, the club will meet the cost of the training for those meeting the following criteria:


  1. Sailing to Green Pennant (helm) standard or equivalent.

  2. Current School Year 9 (or equivalent age).

  3. Holder of one of the RYA Sailing Scheme advanced modules.


  1. Competent - but not necessarily championship - sailor (for example, has experience of helming single handed dinghies and/or taking beginners out in a sailing dinghy on Lymington River or can sail round a race course on a reservoir /the Solent in a seamanlike manner – winning is not essential!)

  2. Holder of one of the RYA Sailing Scheme advanced modules.

The Club’s policy is to make the training as inclusive as possible – potential candidates should not be put off by the above criteria – the training is more about how to teach the RYA method to beginners than being a test of speed, the ability to win a race or to sail in high winds!

Advanced modules

One of the RYA’s eligibility requirements for an AI course is a certificate for an advanced module of the RYA’s Sailing Scheme. To help those who do not yet hold one of these, it may be possible to complete this at another RYA training centre, perhaps at the Royal Lymington Yacht Club or elsewhere. For example, in the past we have been able to line up a Seamanship skills course at the Royal. Whilst these fall outside of the Salterns, and would be at the candidate’s cost, we may be able to help you secure a place on such a course if you need this. If this would be useful to you, please let us know.

Dinghy Instructor training

More competent sailors who are over age 16 may wish to consider training as a RYA Dinghy Instructor. This requires a one day pre assessment, followed by a 5 day course (although this is currently operated as a 3 day initially in Covid times, with a top up to follow). These courses can not be run at the Salterns and it will be necessary to attend another RYA training centre to achieve this qualification. Please let us know if you would like to consider this and we will liaise with other centres to see what is possible.

Would you like to take part? Any questions? Email the RYA Principal.

Neil Wharmby – RYA Principal and Chief Instructor
[email protected]  

Salterns Sailing Club