Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we rebuilding the boat kennels and clubhouse?
The Moth and Tera kennels need to be replaced as they are falling apart. In replacing them we are keen to improve the layout of the club for a number of reasons including safety. The pontoons also need replacing as they have rotten supports that require replacement in the next few years.
What stage is the project at?
We are in the pre-planning phase and are keen to consult with members about the plans.
When was the current clubhouse built?
The club was founded in 1960, however, it was not until 1964 that the current clubhouse was first built. So the building is 56 years old and is now reaching the end of its life!
When was the last time significant works were done at the club?
24 years ago the two toilets were moved from the field to the end of the clubhouse. 7 years ago the kitchen was replaced.
How much will the project cost?
We are currently costing the project; more details will follow.
Can I donate to the project?
Yes – we welcome and will rely on donations to support the project.
Will membership fees increase?
We do not envisage raising the current membership fee to directly pay for the project, instead we will fundraise and apply for grants to fund the capital works. We recognise that many families are only members at Salterns for a few years and it would not be fair on the current membership to fund the costs for future membership benefits. By undertaking the rebuild we hope to reduce the future running costs of the club, and importantly reduce the maintenance volunteering time that is necessary.
When will the works happen?
The plan is to apply for planning permission in 2023 and start the fundraising activity with a view to undertaking the work in the winter of 2024/5. The new club house should be in place to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the club.
Will the works interfere with sailing?
The club has to close from December to March each year for winter bird nesting. We would aim to complete as much of the works within this time period as possible. It may need to extend past this however as much notice as possible would be given and if the facilities can be opened safely we would endeavour to do this.
Why are you planning a two-storey clubhouse?
The planners and the wildlife officers would like to see our two shipping containers removed from the site. We have considered a number of different layouts however the constraints of the slipways and general floor area means that two storeys is the best option. We also think the second storey has significant advantages such as elevated views of the sail area.
What sustainability considerations have you had?
We would look to include environmental improvements across the site including for wildlife and greener energy.
Is the design fixed?
We are looking for ideas and feedback on design. We have been and will continue to liaise with the authorities to ensure it is a design that suits all parties.
Can my children get involved in the project?
Yes! We are looking for ideas on design and fund raising in particular.
How can I get involved?
Once we have a defined design plan agreed and permission we will be looking at fund raising where much participation will be required from current and previous members!
Will I have a say in if the plans go ahead of not?
We are a members club, and a special vote will be held by the membership to approve or reject the proposed project.
Will the new clubhouse not increase the wind shadow on the pond?
The clubhouse will still be lower than the existing oak trees, so any change to the wind shadow will be minimal. North-westerly winds are an uncommon wind direction at Salterns. You have probably noticed that the wind is already much weaker next to the clubhouse due to the protected corner it is in.
What do the neighbours think?
Our two closest residential members are both current members of the club and are supportive of the planned improvements.
Is the money not better spent on new boats?
We have now put in place a longer-term boat replacement plan, which is funded out of general membership subs.
Will clubs have more members as a result of the project?
The number of members is limited by the club’s lease and is designed to balance the club’s impact on the SSSI. No changes are planned to the number of members that the club will have.
How will it affect parking?
Parking and the lane will be more defined, kept on the pond side, to make the best use of the space available. Hampshire Council are keen for us not to use the far bank and we also feel it is safer to not have children in the lane where possible.
Who will build it and manage the build?
If we are fortunate enough to receive permission and raise funds the project would be sent out for competitive tender. The management of the project is TBC.