
Sailing at Salterns is a social and enjoyable activity. The emphasis is always on developing a love of sailing in a supportive and safe environment.

Whilst there are often experienced sailors on-hand to provide friendly advice, many of the sailing activities are informal and do not include any formal training provided by the club.

Those who are becoming a little more competitive can also enjoy Bronze Fleet on Sundays, when they will be introduced to dinghy racing in GRP Optimists, or RS Tera Training on selected dates during the season.

For new sailors start in Ducklings Fleet with weekly sessions which are either parent or coach led. 

RYA Training Centre

Twice a year, Salterns becomes an official RYA Training Centre when the club runs Moppy Camp. This is a two day junior sailing course, during which the sailors can take one of five Salterns Pennants depending on their age and experience.

Sailing Progression

Salterns Sailing Club provides a unique progression for young sailors. Starting out crewing and then helming the club's polyoppies from the age of 6, sailors can progress through Ducklings Fleet, then Yellow Pennant (RYA Dinghy Stage 1), Brass Fleet for Orange Pennant and Red Pennant (RYA Dinghy Stage 2).

Thereafter sailors can work on their racing skills, attending Bronze Fleet Optimists and RS Tera Training, working towards their Blue Pennant. At this stage sailors may also choose to participate in Tera Racing and the IOCA Southern Traveller Series 'Regatta Fleet' events.

Once sailors have Blue Pennant they can start learning how to sail the British Moths, can participate in Moth Racing at Salterns and work to achieve their Green Pennant, usually over two years. They may also learn to sail the Lymington Scows.

Once aged 12 or above (School Year 8+), children can apply to be on the Junior Committee with a view to helping to run the club! Speak to the Junior Liaison Officer about being part of the Junior Committee - applications take place in the Autumn.

Sailing Progression at Salterns Sailing Club ages 6-16