Over The Wall

Once a year the club arranges for a group of the more experienced sailors to sail from the Salterns clubhouse to the Royal Lymington Yacht Club, and then back to Salterns. The event is called Over The Wall as this trip involves a short manoeuvre where boats are manhandled from the south west corner of the Eight Acre Pond over the sea wall and into Oxey Lake.

The event gives sailors experience of navigating the Lymington River, and helps build confidence as they start to take the skills they have learned at Salterns into wider waters.


 Members will get the opportunity to sign up to take part on Webcollect. More details will be provided nearer the time, but to make this work we need plenty of volunteers both on the water and on shore.

For this event sailors must to be at least 8yrs old (an insurance requirement). Sailors taking part in Bronze Fleet and the Tera Training sessions will be given priority, as the number of boats is limited.